Car Coating
Arvind Singh
| 29-11-2023

· Auto Team
Over time, a car's paint may fade or lose its shine because of exposure to sunlight and rain. When this happens, it's necessary to perform cosmetic maintenance.
In recent years, one of the most popular procedures in car beauty maintenance isn't just car waxing but rather a process called car coating. Despite its higher price tag, why is it costly and widely preferred?
Car coating technology is the latest innovation in the car beauty industry. It involves applying special agents onto the car's paint surface. These agents chemically alter the surface, creating a considerably thin yet durable transparent protective layer.
This layer significantly boosts the paint's hardness and smoothness, improves its resistance to dirt, and guards against minor scratches.
The primary distinction between coating and regular waxing lies in its resilience against factors like ultraviolet rays and acid rain. While regular waxing needs redoing every 1-2 months, a coating can typically endure for about a year before requiring renewal, marking a significant difference in longevity.
This high-density technology in coatings ensures a precise fusion between the coating and the car paint.
Some advanced coating products can shield the paint surface, deterring paint aging and oxidation by completely isolating the car paint from the air. At the same time, it boosts the paint's luster, giving it a brighter and more vivid appearance.
Present coating technologies boast a protection level of 7H hardness, far exceeding the 2H to 4H hardness typical of regular car wax, providing superior paint protection. Additionally, water repellence is a notable benefit of coating, preventing water beads from settling on the car's surface and averting watermark formation.
The use of glass crystals in coatings makes them highly resistant to high temperatures, thus safeguarding the paint from heat-induced damage.
Despite its multiple advantages, coatings do have drawbacks. Each coating application involves a polishing process, which wears off a layer of the paint varnish.
Consequently, with each coating, the paint's thickness decreases. It's important to note that frequent coatings don't mean leaving them on the car paint indefinitely.
Experts suggest washing the car every 2-3 months or about 10 times, preferably at a car wash. Additionally, applying an extra layer of wax after this period helps maintain the coating, preventing its quick deterioration and the need for frequent reapplications.
In essence, while car coatings offer remarkable benefits in protecting and enhancing the car's appearance, proper care, and occasional additional protective measures are advisable to preserve the coating's effectiveness over time.