Bird Attack Targets
Mukesh Kumar
| 01-04-2024

· Auto Team
Numerous automobile owners hold a preference for stylish red automobiles, however, research has indicated that the color red is also among the most disliked by birds.
According to a British website, bird droppings, insect carcasses, and air-conditioning wastewater are known as the three natural enemies of car paint, of which bird droppings are the most troublesome.
In addition to trying to park your car indoors or in an open parking lot with few trees, choosing the right color when buying a car can help you stay away from bird droppings.
Researchers did a survey of 1,140 cars in five cities in the United Kingdom and found that the red car on the rate of bird droppings ranked first, up to 18%. Next on the list were blue cars - 14%, black cars - 11% and white cars - 7%.
The researchers concluded that if your parking conditions are not very good and you are too lazy to wash your car every day, then it is better not to choose a red car.
The brighter the color of the car, the more likely it is to attract bird droppings. Cars that look more rustic and have rare colors, on the other hand, rarely become bird toilets. A prime example is green sedans, where researchers found traces of bird droppings on less than 1 percent of green vehicles.
Why would birds "hate" red cars? Researchers analyzed, that bright red for birds represents a danger signal, when they are found underneath a parked or driving through a red vehicle, often will be frightened, so that "incontinence", therefore, the red car on more bird droppings is also very normal.
If you have bird droppings on your car, it's important to address them promptly to prevent potential damage to the paint and finish.
Here are the steps you can take to effectively clean bird droppings from your car:
1. Gather Supplies
You will need water, a mild car wash detergent or soap, a microfiber cloth or sponge, and a clean towel.
2. Preparation
Park your car in a shaded area if possible, as direct sunlight can cause the droppings to dry and adhere more firmly to the surface.
3. Pre-Rinse
Use a hose or a bucket of water to pre-rinse the affected area and loosen the droppings. Do not rub the droppings at this stage, as it may cause scratching.
4. Soak and Soften
If the droppings are dried and hardened, you can soak a microfiber cloth in water and place it over the droppings for a few minutes to soften them.
5. Gentle Cleaning
Once softened, use the soapy water and a microfiber cloth or sponge to gently clean the affected area.
6. Rinse Thoroughly
Rinse the area thoroughly with water to remove soap residue and feces, and finally dry the area with a clean towel.